Proctors needed for the 2025 Conference-from Reagan
Posted 3 months ago by Jennifer Thomas
My name is Reagan Davis. I am the Workshop Liaison for The Society of Physician Assistants in Otorhinolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery (SPAO-HNS) CME Committee. We are very excited planning for the 2025 ENT for the PA-C CME Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah occurring April 23-27, 2025. An important aspect of the conference are the various workshops where participants can learn and practice the hands-on skills required to thrive in our specialty. The success of these workshops is largely attributed to the wonderful teaching and engagement of the workshop leaders and proctors. The workshops and their leaders have already been selected for this year but we are currently looking for PA and NP workshop proctors.
Each workshop has a ‘Workshop Leader(s)’ who will begin the workshop session with a didactic lecture. This will be followed by the group breaking out to various workstations with the ‘Proctors’ working directly with the attendees to accomplish the various skills associated with the course. We kindly request that proctors sign up for sessions where they have competency and mastery in the skills of the workshop. It is imperative that proctors are equipped to teach the course attendees. It is also encouraged that proctors sign up for consecutive sessions of the same workshop. Minimizing proctor turnover between sessions is helpful to both the leader and the attendees of the workshop. Workshops will be held Wednesday April 23 and Thursday April 24, with proctors and leaders arriving to help set up on Tuesday April 22 (more details to come).
Benefits for proctors include: an honorarium and a discount on the conference registration fee (*discount is reserved only for those who proctor 4 or more sessions). Included is a list of workshops requiring proctors. Please visit this link to fill out a quick survey if you are interested in proctoring: Proctor Survey. Workshop descriptions are linked to the survey for reference.
Proctors will receive a letter via email listing their proctoring assignments and detailing logistics about the event. Assignments will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis until all slots are filled. For participants proctoring 4 or more sessions, please wait until you receive your proctor letter to register for the conference; it will contain a unique code for you to receive a discount on your registration. When registering for the conference on the SPAO website, please do not sign up for workshop times for which you are a proctor; that sign up is for paying registrants/workshop attendees only. You of course are welcome to register for and attend any of the other workshops as a learner during times that you are not already committed to proctoring.
Workshops Requesting Proctors:
- Introduction to Otology
- Advanced Otology
- ENT Procedures
- Tracheostomy Management
- Basic Vertigo Evaluation
- Advanced Vestibular Topics* (NEW in 2025)
- The Complete Head & Neck Exam
- Epistaxis Management
- Flexible Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy and Diagnostic Basics* (NEW in 2025, formerly Introduction to Flexible Endoscopy workshop)
- Nasal Rigid Endoscopy and Advanced Endoscopic Topics* (NEW in 2025, formerly Advanced Flexible and Rigid Endoscopy workshop)
Please note that proctor assignments are subject to change based upon attendance/registration and other various factors. You will be contacted in the event of a necessary change.
If you have any questions, please email me. I look forward to learning with you all in the Spring at the conference.
Thank you,
Reagan Davis, PA-C
SPAO CME Committee, Workshop/Lab Faculty Liaison
SPAO Board of Directors, President Elect